Saturday 23 October 2010

I Will Be/ Will You?

ENOUGH SAID, Just do it.

Twenty Is Plenty And Forty Is Naughty

Our  local Police team have recently agreed to mount a laser speed enforcement campaign along Broad Lane, Brandwood Road and Brandwood Park Road after it was found that some motorists have been doing well over forty miles an hour in these roads.
I am hoping that this could be the first of many initiatives to enforce motorists, who use our local roads as a race track, putting at risk the lives of children and adults alike.

Calls For A Safer School Crossing

My colleague Labour's Campaign Leader, Barry Henley and me have urged The Council to introduce a School Crossing Warden in Broad Lane.

After being invited to see what moms and other family members have to do, to ensure that their children at St Alban’s school can cross Broad Lane safely, they have convinced me that Birmingham’s Tory run Council are playing with the lives of these young children, by not providing a school crossing warden.


The Government's decision to go ahead and impose large spending cuts on the police has been well criticised by my colleague Barry Henley.

At least 35,000 police officers jobs will go in published figures from the budget, with over 2,500 from here in the West Midlands Force. How many of these will be from our area of Brandwood? These job losses in our police are unacceptable.

Is This The End Of ASBO's

My colleague and Labour’s Campaign Leader, Barry Henley has urged the Tory Lib Dem Government to drop their plans to scrap anti-social behaviour orders (ASBO's), claiming such a move will leave residents and police in large parts of Brandwood helpless, in tackling unruly behaviour from some youths .

Asbos have worked and will continue to work provided they are used effectively. Cracking down on crime and disorder needs to be constantly reviewed and improved but the ASBO’s have been a success.