Saturday 11 April 2009

Dissent In Tory Rank & File

Well it seems "what you shall sow, so shall you reap", is now coming true for Tory leader of the Council, Councillor Mike Whitby.

This past week has seen story after story in local papers about significant numbers of Tory Councillors, having a go at the leadership and cabinet over numerous matters which they disagreed strongly over.

First off is BoB, their plans to reintroduce a Municipal Bank in Birmingham, well with a start up cost of £300million, being paid for out of council tax, just isn't on.

Second base is the amount of "Prudential Borrowing", this is where Council's are able to borrow money from banks and institutions, which is now over £2.5 BILLION, since 2004, when they first took over control of the Council.

Thirdly, there is the £30million Council Tax payers loan to Warwickshire Cricket Club, to be paid back over the next 25 years at preferential rates.

And finally, the fact that the Cabinet are withdrawing "meals on wheels" for the elderly and vulnerable, completely disregarding views of the Scrutiny Committee.

But there is very little mention of them closing down without replacing, older peoples homes "because land prices have fallen" and wanting to do away with Day Care Centres for people with learning difficulties, with no rhyme or reason, these actions are an absolute disgrace.

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