After carrying out several house calls in the ward, my evening work was attendance at The Ward Advisory Board meeting, where amongst other matters; we discussed the safety of Dawberry Fields skate bowl, Neighbourhood Management programmes across five areas of the ward and the ward development plan.
Under AOB, Mark Hill took some stick of residents over a leaflet he had got out, stating that the recycle bins in Yarningale Road were to be re-located to The Brandwood Centre, whilst their management committee has still to come to a decision, he was made to feel quite uncomfortable and so he.
I attended the inaugural meeting of Druids Heath Management Board at Dell Meadow Centre. The body who will oversee improvement tasks for this part of the ward. A key component has been that all interested bodies, but particularly resident led groups have been asked to sign up to a contract, which will be a good thing. I was asked to become vice-chair to Mark Hill who is Chair of the board.
The evening saw me in attendance at Selly Oak Constituency Committee meeting, held at Holy Cross Billesley. We congratulated two members of Cocks Moor Woods leisure centre, who rescued a four year old out of the swimming pool, unconscious and not breathing, after CPR breathing returned, he was whisked off in a helicopter to Birmingham’s Children’s’ Hospital, where after four days, he regained consciousness, I assume to the great relief of his parents. What this says to me is, we have first rate staff serving our public, no matter what befalls them they stand up to adversary, I congratulate them all.
This was followed by a great presentation by the manager, team leaders and recipients of the Birmingham Council apprentice scheme, run out of two sites in the City, without this type of scheme where would these young people be offered a chance in life. What was heartening, was that a significant number when completed training had been offered BCC employment, though all did find jobs or continued training/learning.
After this, the meeting degenerated in to a farce, next up was a presentation about Selly Oak Hospital site, which will become vacant in 2011, once University Hospital is opened. We spent too much time discussing what should happen to the site, without really examining what the residents’ thoughts had been. Nigel Dawkins was too interested in what had happened to HIS petition. A petition is not a statement.
Then we had a presentation by Be-Birmingham of The Wellbeing Strategy for Older People. Clearly only two of us present had really read this report (Cllr Bill Evans and myself). There had been recognition in the report that 21% of older people live in homes WITHOUT central heating, but no ideas on how to address this problem. Older Citizens will be supported to live in their own homes, only problem here is that they will have to wait beyond 74 weeks for any adaptations if they needed them. Moreover, nothing about how they will adequately support owner-occupiers if their home needed significant repairs, which a good number do need now. Why in heavens name is Be-Birmingham doing a report like this NOW, while there is still a Task & Finish Scrutiny on Housing Provision for Older People, still to report!!!!!!.
Doesn’t anyone from Scrutiny talk with The Executive?
Inundated with complaints about Travel-West-Midlands, they have taken it upon themselves to re-direct buses, three routes, down All Saints Road. The top of this road ended up being blocked off by disgruntled residents with their cars, after having buses coming down every five minutes of so. This road is not suited for buses.
It now seems that TWM are not going to use the top part of All Saints Road, they are now using ABBOTS Rd and the middle part of All Saints Rd. It beggars belief; I can only just about drive a car down Abbots Rd, with cars normally parked either side. After a phone call to Yardley Wood Garage, it seems that they will review their routes, which will have to be approved by National Express the owners of TWM and then The Traffic Commissioners. It seems that some of the route changes have been brought about because of bus needs in Solihull; well that does not help my residents.
I have asked Yardley Wood Garage to consider re-routing all three buses down Vicarage Road and using Howard Rd, it will add on some time to routes, but if they accept these proposals I have said I will send them a letter in support for The Traffic Commissioners, to seep matters up.
Feeling rough, I’ve a headache, runny nose and really out of it. My wife keeps telling me, "it's a good job you're not a woman", see no sympathy, heaven help me.
Dragged myself out of my sick bed and attended one of Steve McCabe’s "residents come and talk" sessions. Not only did we have Steve, but Michael Cashman came along, we had a lot more people turn up than we had originally planned for, each had an opportunity to talk with all three of us at some time during the session and I came away with quite a heavy caseload to push through, Steve’s was even heavier.