Saturday, 31 January 2009

W.c. 26th January

After carrying out several house calls in the ward, my evening work was attendance at The Ward Advisory Board meeting, where amongst other matters; we discussed the safety of Dawberry Fields skate bowl, Neighbourhood Management programmes across five areas of the ward and the ward development plan.
Under AOB, Mark Hill took some stick of residents over a leaflet he had got out, stating that the recycle bins in Yarningale Road were to be re-located to The Brandwood Centre, whilst their management committee has still to come to a decision, he was made to feel quite uncomfortable and so he.
I attended the inaugural meeting of Druids Heath Management Board at Dell Meadow Centre. The body who will oversee improvement tasks for this part of the ward. A key component has been that all interested bodies, but particularly resident led groups have been asked to sign up to a contract, which will be a good thing. I was asked to become vice-chair to Mark Hill who is Chair of the board.
The evening saw me in attendance at Selly Oak Constituency Committee meeting, held at Holy Cross Billesley. We congratulated two members of Cocks Moor Woods leisure centre, who rescued a four year old out of the swimming pool, unconscious and not breathing, after CPR breathing returned, he was whisked off in a helicopter to Birmingham’s Children’s’ Hospital, where after four days, he regained consciousness, I assume to the great relief of his parents. What this says to me is, we have first rate staff serving our public, no matter what befalls them they stand up to adversary, I congratulate them all.
This was followed by a great presentation by the manager, team leaders and recipients of the Birmingham Council apprentice scheme, run out of two sites in the City, without this type of scheme where would these young people be offered a chance in life. What was heartening, was that a significant number when completed training had been offered BCC employment, though all did find jobs or continued training/learning.
After this, the meeting degenerated in to a farce, next up was a presentation about Selly Oak Hospital site, which will become vacant in 2011, once University Hospital is opened. We spent too much time discussing what should happen to the site, without really examining what the residents’ thoughts had been. Nigel Dawkins was too interested in what had happened to HIS petition. A petition is not a statement.

Then we had a presentation by Be-Birmingham of The Wellbeing Strategy for Older People. Clearly only two of us present had really read this report (Cllr Bill Evans and myself). There had been recognition in the report that 21% of older people live in homes WITHOUT central heating, but no ideas on how to address this problem. Older Citizens will be supported to live in their own homes, only problem here is that they will have to wait beyond 74 weeks for any adaptations if they needed them. Moreover, nothing about how they will adequately support owner-occupiers if their home needed significant repairs, which a good number do need now. Why in heavens name is Be-Birmingham doing a report like this NOW, while there is still a Task & Finish Scrutiny on Housing Provision for Older People, still to report!!!!!!.
Doesn’t anyone from Scrutiny talk with The Executive?
Inundated with complaints about Travel-West-Midlands, they have taken it upon themselves to re-direct buses, three routes, down All Saints Road. The top of this road ended up being blocked off by disgruntled residents with their cars, after having buses coming down every five minutes of so. This road is not suited for buses.
It now seems that TWM are not going to use the top part of All Saints Road, they are now using ABBOTS Rd and the middle part of All Saints Rd. It beggars belief; I can only just about drive a car down Abbots Rd, with cars normally parked either side. After a phone call to Yardley Wood Garage, it seems that they will review their routes, which will have to be approved by National Express the owners of TWM and then The Traffic Commissioners. It seems that some of the route changes have been brought about because of bus needs in Solihull; well that does not help my residents.
I have asked Yardley Wood Garage to consider re-routing all three buses down Vicarage Road and using Howard Rd, it will add on some time to routes, but if they accept these proposals I have said I will send them a letter in support for The Traffic Commissioners, to seep matters up.

Feeling rough, I’ve a headache, runny nose and really out of it. My wife keeps telling me, "it's a good job you're not a woman", see no sympathy, heaven help me.

Dragged myself out of my sick bed and attended one of Steve McCabe’s "residents come and talk" sessions. Not only did we have Steve, but Michael Cashman came along, we had a lot more people turn up than we had originally planned for, each had an opportunity to talk with all three of us at some time during the session and I came away with quite a heavy caseload to push through, Steve’s was even heavier.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

W.c. 19th January

This week is starting off well.
On Monday I ensured that all of my documents, to allow me to stand as a Labour Party candidate in the next local elections, were handed in at The Regional Party Headquarters, while I was there spent some time briefing one of Nina Gill's office workers on housing issues here in Birmingham.

Dawberry Fields
The skatebowl in Dawberry Fields Park is, in my opinion dangerous, the Council has sat on it's behind, doing nothing for the past three months, after two foxes were trapped in deep water in November. This is a typical example of poorly thought through planning where the potential hazards to people and urban wildlife has not been taken into consideration. There are better designed skateboard bowls I've seen with steps at one end which allows anything, more importantly anyone, falling into it, a way back out. Are they waiting for a tragic accident to occur before doing anything?Given the current situation, I won't hold back from criticising those I hold responsible for this fiasco, including local politicians, who should have been overseeing this project, well before I became the local Councillor.

Well it's official, Billesley Fire Station remains. It seems that common sense has prevailed, after West Midlands Fire Service announced that they won't be closing this station which serves a great deal of Brandwood Ward. Obviously the public consultation, or should I say the lack of it, coupled with the considerable criticism may have played a part.

None of the local Councillors or Steve McCabe had been informed by them about proposals, which is why Steve arranged a public meeting once I told him of their plans.

Tuesday has been a really good day.
Here is a list of new planning application for the Brandwood Ward, it's obvious that the current economic situation is having an impact with little or no applications being made, regularly.
You know when you get out of bed, you know today is going to go your way or not, well I knew that today was going to be GREAT. It turned out just as predicted.

Alcohol License Application Pound Road.
First off, I had to attend at The Council House, a License sub-committee representing local residents views on an application to establish another off-license in the Pound Road parade of shops. Clearly after the past history of anti-social behaviour in this area, residents had genuine concerns and didn't want this to go ahead, I had my say, along with some residents who turned up and the local police licensing officer. The sub-committee supported our opinions and didn't grant a license. OK this was the first hurdle, the applicants now can appeal to The Magistrates, so we have to wait 21 days, before we can know if we have won this battle.

Housing and Urban Renewal Overview and Scrutiny.
Talk about an OWN GOAL, well Cabinet member for Housing, Councillor John Lines, who attends everyone of these meetings, scored one today. He criticised a comment I made about how slow his portfolio is about sorting out homes for the most vulnerable households in the private/owner-occupier sector, that on present performance, it will take until the year 2056 before all of the present identified homes are sorted out, to a decent standard. John questioned my figures and sources of information, "where does he really get them from". Luckily I had my USB stick with a copy of a report from HIS department, published in 2007, as we had a computer system set up, I plugged in my stick to the overhead system and embarrassed him by showing the report and figures I used. Clearly he hasn't yet understood "Never ask a question, unless you know the answer in politics", he then upped sticks and left the meeting!!!!!!!!!!!
Exception Report Portfolio 2008

Later in the day went to a HLB meeting in the ward, where again I was the only ward Councillor present, this is now becoming a regular occurrence.

Wednesday I've learnt from a reliable source that The Ashmeadow Public House in Brandwood Park Road, at last is to be demolished. I think I can speak on behalf of ALL Councillors and the local MP Steve McCabe, we along with local residents will be delighted with this news, given the amount of our time spent in arranging to have the building made secure. Almost every time I pass by, there are boards missing and the numerous times the Fire Service have been out to put out deliberately started fires is unacceptable. Rumour has it, the developers will go ahead with the plans to build houses, as approved by the Council's Planning Committee earlier this year.

Thursday, I'm investigating why Travel West Midlands have taken the 76 bus route off in my ward without actually informing anyone and replaced it with 85 route, which is much shorter and doesn't cover the areas which my residents wish to get too.

In addition this new bus route now runs up Brockworth Road (at the rear of Bells Farm School, where we are already trying to get a school crossing warden installed) and terminates at the top, were the Head Teacher and Governors of Bells farm School and Children's Centre have safety concerns for their charges.

Had the third of my new advice centres today at Dell Meadow Centre. These advice centres are extremely busy places, I'm on the go from the time I arrive, with the staff there arranging appointment times and heaven help me if I drag my feet, with large queues, they keep me on my toes, but the regular cuppas are a welcome relief.

Friday, Spent most of the morning discussing Neighbourhood Tasking Meetings with our partner agencies, (mainly The Police Operation Managers), for Selly Oak Constituency. I was there to ensure that Brandwood wasn't given the short end again. What totally surprised me, was a comment By the Constituency Chair, Councillor Nigel Dawkins, who said "If Police Tasking Meetings stopped today, I wouldn't loose any sleep over it". Where else can the public discuss policing maters and get a commitment from the local Police to tackle issues which concern residents?

Monday, 19 January 2009

W.c. 12th January

On Monday I attended what was to have been the penultimate Older Peoples Housing Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting, but because we hadn't in my opinion and that of Councillor Barbara Dring, looked deeply enough in to certain areas, we both persuaded the chair to add at least one more meeting to cover the three issues we raised.

Later that day I attended two Labour Group meetings, both of which considerable time was given up to tomorrows Full Council and one particular item. Gaza and what is happening there is in my personal opinion, nothing but genocide. I understand the need of Israel, their need for security, that no one wants to have missiles landing in your own back garden, in reality no one should be firing off missiles, but what I've seen on TV, read in the papers and heard on the radio of the too high numbers of innocent civilians being killed, is totally unacceptable
When will the politicians in this region accept fully and implement both of the UN resolutions 1850 & 1860.

On Tuesday as predicted the opposition party leaders wouldn't sign up to a statement drawn up by The Labour Group, (mainly by Albert Bore),which I find abhorrent, they call themselves Democrats, yet will stand-by while men, women and children are killed on both sides of the border.
I have to say my admiration for three of the speakers in today's debate went up, Councillor Yaqoob started the proceedings, with Councillor James Hutchings and Councillor Tahir Ali giving good speeches as well.
After Councillor, I drove over to my ward to meet up with members of Druids Heath HLB and bought them all a drink.

Wednesday saw me doing a walkabout with Druids Heath HLB, even though I turned up late and they had already set off, but after a quick drive around I found them.
Later in the day I attended The Birmingham County Scout Executive Committee meeting, followed with my attendance at Tame Valley Scout Executive Committee meeting, closer too home.
Thursday morning I did a walkabout around the Allens Croft Area, with one of the Neighbourhood managers Richard Green, no one else turned up, however we went ahead and between us agreed to sort out a few eyesores and tackle a couple of other issues.
While I was in the area, I did my "Doctor" routine calling upon a couple of householders who had issues requiring my attention.
In the afternoon I had a really good session with the Acting Constituency Housing manager at the Yardley Wood office, meeting up with the new Housing manager for my ward Julie.
Today's (Friday)Overview and Scrutiny Finance sub-committee was useless, no one (the Council's well paid officers) knew the answers to questions put to them by Councillors, Councillor Len Clarke was getting quite frustrated.

Saturday, 17 January 2009

Wc 5th January 2009

Parents demand –
We want our School Crossing Warden

Watch Steve McCabe MP and me swap our offices in favour of becoming lollypop men for the day. We have stepped in after Birmingham City Council have refused to provide a much needed safe crossing for children at Bells Farm School and Children's centre, in Birmingham.

The parents of children who attend Bells Farm Primary School & Children's Centre, Bells Lane, enrolled the help of Labour’s Steve McCabe and myself, after they had been trying for more than two years to get a school crossing warden in post along this very busy road.
There have been a number of fatal accidents accidents, the most recent just before Christmas and near misses involving school children. The road is recognised by city engineers as dangerous and has had some safety improvements over a 15 year period.
The Council argue that there is no funding and insufficient demand to justify a safe crossing. Apparently, more accidents or fatalities would be needed before a crossing warden would be employed.
My response has been, “I can't believe parents have been treated with such contempt over this issue. The council can find plenty of money for foreign trips and Christmas parties but they can't deal with a basic bread and butter issue like this

SERIOUS Water Leak Lakedown Close cont.

A lot of my time in December and very early January, had been taken up trying to get either Severn Trent or The Council to mend a serious water leak in Lakedown Close which resulted in several inches of ice building up on pavements and now along 500 meters of Druids Lane, which is totally unacceptable.
The ice was so treacherous, that The Council eventually closed off the road for several days, while they eventually sorted out the burst mains.

What annoyed me most has been the attitude of Severn-Trent. At a site meeting with them on New Years Day, they agreed that because the leak was from a fire hydrant network, that several hundred households would have their supply cut, they would do the job. Later that same day, without telling anyone, this decision was reversed.
Eventually Council contractors did the job, but not until Tuesday 6th January.

Check out this, Birmingham Mail

December 2008

SERIOUS Water Leak Lakedown Close, Druids Heath
I've now phoned Severn-Trent Five times, to come out and fix a serious water leak, on each occasion I phone, it seems that someone has been out, but reported back that it's not coming from "their" supply. WELL IT'S COMING FROM SOME ONE'S SUPPLY.
If this isn't sorted out soon, I can see the whole area around Lakedown Close becoming an ice skating rink and not just Druids Lane.

With Young People Collecting For Birmingham’s Children's Hospital
Shortly before Christmas I went along with a number of young people from The Den, and Father Christmas in his sleigh, doing a door to door collection for Birmingham’s Children’s Hospital, Burns Unit.
Waterloo Housing Association donated a large number of goody bags, a large tub of sweets and a good supply of Frisbees.
On every door we knocked the reception given by every householder was tremendous, with every child being given a little present off our Santa, I felt that Christmas was going to be special this year.
All in all a significant amount of money was raised in the two hours we spent and all praise must go to those young people who went out of their way to do something for those less unfortunate.
Who said young people are selfish and don’t care?


November 2008

Housing Redevelopment Druids Heath

There is still no news coming my way, at least, about what the Councils expensive consultants are proposing, regarding the redevelopment of the Druids Heath area.
We all need to be mindful that they have been requested to give serious consideration of increasing the number of homes in this area, from 2,300 to at least 4,800.
My real concern is to achieve this figure; vast areas of green open space will have to be sacrificed.
Furthermore what plans are there for the many residents who own their own homes.
I think we all want to know and know NOW!

A Campaign To Save The Allens Croft Project

A rent hike by Birmingham City Council, could threaten The Allens Croft Family Project. The project which has been helping families in the northern end of the ward since 1988, has built up a strong reputation with residents and many other organisations, with the quality of support and advice they are able to give.
I was able to hand in a petition to The Lord Mayor and speak about the benefits the project has had for a good number of residents at the Council meeting.

Here I am with Steve McCabe MP, with users and supporters of The Project just before handing in the petition to a Full Council Meeting.

Check out this link
Birmingham Mail


During November I took part with two residents groups in cleaning up Chinn Brook.
The first occasion was with the Friends of Jasmin Field, working on the land near to St Albans School Bayston Road.
The second time was with residents from Druids Heath, cleaning the brook at the rear of Pennyacre Road.
There are two more planned clean-up days, one in February 2009 the other in March2009.

Want to know more?
Email me;

By the way that is me, working, in the middle photograph, with three others trying to pull an old security fence out of the brook and it was very hard work.

October 2008


Graffiti is an increasing problem and nuisance here in our area, so much so, that over the past twelve months I have arranged or been involved with more than five specific work programmes.
The first programme I organised involved twenty university students, when we tackled a number of roads in and around Tenbury Road. This was shortly followed with work done in the Brandwood Road area.This month we set about (that's me in the photo), with residents and many young people from The Den, doing work in and around the Kings Road area, Allens Croft areas and finishing off work already started by Council workers in the passageway between Hartons Way and Dawberry Road.


Then Email me and we will try to do something about it

October 2008

Anti-social Behaviour

A number of anti-social activities had been taking place in and around the area, all of which had been giving great concern to local residents.
Sgt Denise Markham, who heads up our local Police agreed to accept this problem as one of her top priorites in October.
Whilst the problem hasn’t gone away completely, there has been a significant improvement

Do you have an anti-social problem in your area?
Email me with details

After a considerable amount of time, which left a number of local residents frustrated with the Council, I have been able to get the area around the old toilet block on Alcester Road South fenced off.
This area had become a real dumping ground and a site of considerable anti-social behaviour, along with unacceptable amounts of graffiti.
Is there an area near to where you live that needs the same attention?

Thursday, 15 January 2009

September 2008


There is a growing need in my opinion to have more people attend Police tasking meetings.

What are they I hear you say.

Every month there is a Neighbourhood Tasking meeting in our local area.
This is an opportunity for local residents to tell us and the local Police their concerns and decide which of these issues the police and partners should address.
This may be about anti-social behaviour, inconsiderate parking, fly tipping,
graffiti or another issue that is causing you concern.

During each meeting residents will be given the opportunity to explain the
issues they have, and then vote on which ones they want to be dealt with.The votes are then counted and the three issues with the most votes will be agreed on as the new priorities for local Police and Council Officers to be tackled in the month before the next meeting.

As well as the residents, the meetings will help bring together a panel of members who will take action on the priorities chosen. The panel can vary, but will in most cases consist of a local councillor, neighbourhood officer, environmental officer and representatives from local community groups
and businesses.
Want to know more?
Email me;

September 2008

Still going through those questionnaires from my Druids Heath survey, while I was away, they were still coming in, there must be more than three hundred now and even today there were another five in the post.

August 2008

I'm taking a well deserved holiday with my long suffering wife, so no postings for a week or two, perhaps three.

July 2008


I've taken it upon myself to write to every home in Druids Heath and ask the home-owner their views in a questionnaire. I tried to get this all done as a councillor through council expenses, but they said "because I was criticising the council they wouldn't allow it".
So I'm doing it myself, out of my own pocket, I've printed off 2,300 letters, with questionnaires and posted them out today, so far it's cost me nearly £1,000.
I'm hoping that residents read my letter and respond back.

It's only been a couple of days and I'm inundated with responses, far too many for me to handle alone, I've had to ask for assistance and help from Labour Party helpers, which they were only to glad to assist with. The hardest part will be collating answers for each of the questions and then taking account of the written comments on each of the forms. This is slightly more work than I thought I would have to be doing, there are hundreds of them.

June 2008

It's official, I'm the Labour spokesman on Housing.
I have to admit until coming to Brandwood I knew almost nothing about Social Housing, I don't know a great deal now, but what I do know, horrifies me.
How can we allow young families to have to stay in the tower blocks, why is it that the Councils contractors, get paid for work they haven't done, why can't an older person who has brought up their family move out of a four bedroom property in to a two bedroom house easily?

One of the first things I did in the new role was read up as much as I could on Housing Issues.

Social housing has been neglected for decades, particularly when The Conservatives were in government and this Council is doing likewise.

Now in Birmingham we have an owner-Occupier/private sector time bomb on our hands and virtually nothing is being said or done about it.
Of Birmingham's 419,000 homes 219,000 are owner-occupied / private landlord of which 159,000 fail The Governments "Decent Homes Standard". Decent homes means the home is water-tight, has warmth and is damp free. But this Council seems to be only interested in it's own housing stock. WHY?

May 2008

Plans for the Druids Heath Fun-Day are well advanced, praying that we have decent weather, there is nothing worse that after all this planning it ends up wet.

Well it stayed dry almost all day, the events were good, best of all was the falconry display, I think nearly everyone wanted to have a bird of prey land on their arm.

Still no news of the planned redevelopment of Druids Heath, it's time to stir it up more.

April 2008

Spent a considerable amount of time arranging a public meeting fro residents in May Lane and adjoining roads over another planning application, where the developer wishes to build up to fourteen homes in the rear gardens of properties.
This application hasn't been clearly thought out, so I'm staying neutral on this matter
Only a few more days of campaigning left, it doesn't look brilliant for Labour nationally so I'm remaining the eternal optimist as ever.

April 2008

Election day is getting closer it seems and the closer it gets the more untruths we are beginning to hear about.

We've spent a good deal of time in Druids Heath, where the residents are being kept in the dark about the councils redevelopment proposals.

I know that this may be sometime off, but at least residents should be informed about what the Councils consultants are doing. It seems to me that they have hand picked somehow a number of residents to bounce some ideas off.

Are those residents truly representative of the whole area?

I've decided to shake things up a bit, so Susan and me have been out and about collecting signature to our petition calling on the Council to be more up-front about matters which directly affect householders, many of whom are owner occupiers in this Council Housing Estate.

Had another graffiti day today, continuing on from last month with our students, this time we targeted Grove Road, Tenbury Road, Colmore Road and Brandwood Road.
The photograph is of John Healey MP (Government Minister) Steve McCabe MP, Susan and me outside Colmore School in Grove Road

March 2008

What a month this has been, not only have we been out campaigning almost every night and over the weekends,trying to keep up with case-work has been hard work.

Again we have pavement horror stories as can be seen from the photograph, this time along a well used pathway on Druids Heath.

Today we had over twenty university students volunteer to help clear some of the graffiti off street furniture in the Hazelhurst/All Saints area of the ward.

I got each of then dressed in a white overall and hi-vis waistcoat, gave them a bucket of soapy water and cloth, told them if the graffiti wasn't coming off with this ( just in case anti-graffiti paint had been used) they needed to use "graffiti buster".

I have to admit they all worked extremely hard and the amount of street furniture we did was tremendous, the only disappointing thing is there is still far far too much graffiti on furniture elsewhere in the ward.

March 2008

Both Susan and me have spent almost all of our time knocking doors this week, in and around Druids Heath, you couldn't understand the amount of issues there are in this area, from rubbish STILL not being collected by Fleet and Waste Management.

The amount of litter not being picked up, it seems to me that there hasn't been a litter pick in certain parts of this ward in years, underneath hedgerow on Alcester Road South litter is inches deep.

February 2008

There is a planning application in for the derelict land in Kings Road, which I've just had cleared of rubbish and that dreaded Knot-weed.
The plans for the area look quite exciting, however I've arranged a public meeting at The Hub Hazelwell, to allow all of the residents directly effected, to come along, here what is being planned, give their views to both the developer and architects and I will submit whatever comments come out of that meeting to Development Control.

The public meeting went brilliantly, it seems that no one else had even bothered to inform all of the residents about what was going on, other than those who know the system well.
Yes there were some criticism over the plans, but more about concerns over drainage & sewerage, than the housing itself.
Susan was brilliant, I think she took and wrote down every word spoken, the notes are almost verbatim. So it won't be too hard to send in a letter on behalf of those who attended as I promised them I would.

At long last it seems that the land at the top of Kings Road has been cleared of rubbish, that awful Japanese Knot weed and completely fenced off.
The number of complaints about this land, I've had, since being elected in September, is unbelievable.
Here we are, Susan and me, admiring the new fencing in Kings Road

January 2008

I didn't know until today that Susan Burfoot is also on The Management Board of The Maypole Centre, an organisation which does nothing but good for the Druids Heath area community

January 2008

We, (Brandwood Ward Labour Party) have chosen Susan Burfoot to fight the next local election in May.

Susan is an experience campaigner, having been the Labour Councillor for Billesley until quite recently and unfortunately lost her seat last May.

Today we have been out and about in the Ward with our local Member of Parliament Steve McCabe, here we are at Cocks Moor Leisure Centre where both Susan and me have been sorting out a couple of concerns, that residents had brought to our attention.