Saturday 6 November 2010

Refuse Collection Changes Afoot

There are changes in stall for some residents in Brandwood Ward, as Birmingham Council are changing the collection day for household refuse. The Salvage department will later this year introduce a system where the same salvage crews collect all the black bags throughout Brandwood Ward. The change in working practice is meant as a cost saving, however this will mean that some residents may find the day they have their blag bags collected will change.
I have been assured that black bags will still be collected on a weekly basis and residents will be notified by leaflet when a change in the day their black bags are collected. (look out for leaflets explaining this.) Blue and green recycling boxes will be collected on which ever day the black bags are to be collected on a fortnightly basis. As from the end of November all green waste collection will be suspended until the end of February, yet another saving scheme.
Final plans for any changes are still being drawn up and when they are completed I will post any information I can on this blog.

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