Saturday 18 December 2010

Make Those Who Can, Pay

The US after President Obama was sworn in, created 'The Tea Party', with an agenda of smaller government and a lot less taxes, meanwhile, on the other side of the pond, after the creation of the Coalition Government, we have UK Uncut, whose agenda is to make businesses pay their proper level of taxes and not transfer earnings out of the country.
So far their campaigns have included taking over a number of Sir Philip Greens retail empire store, as his wife, who is the owner of Arcadia Group and now lives in Monaco, (where there is none or little taxes) as they export all of the business profits there. Similarly Vodophone have also been targeted again for moving earnings around the world and in doing so not paying the legitimate levels of tax.
Now we are not just talking about not paying a few £millions, it is estimated in £billions that is being avoided, UK Uncut have banded around a figure of £25billion a year is missing from the British Exchequers money pot, through large business tax avoidance. So the question is, should more effort be made to tackle business tax avoidance or more effort on benefit fraud?
My money would go on Tax avoidance as there is much more at stake and a better chance of return for such little effort. Make those who can, pay for it, says a good socialist.

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